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A Dead Mind When You Want to Create a Web Article – Blog ?This is the Field for Your Content Ideas – Digital Products : As bloggers, writing content/articles is a routine job that must be done, because there we are guided at least to write and post one article every day, or at least once a week, the most important thing is not to let in one month not post any articles on the web/ blog that we build, because it will interfere with the seo web / blog itself.

In managing a web/blog, sometimes feeling of boredom, laziness will definitely come, especially if all the content work is written and done by yourself, which tends to experience problems in finding written materials which eventually get stuck. It’s another thing if we use web development services. blog, all will be resolved and the development of the web / blog will run smoothly as long as we are able to pay for his services.

Writing a blog with many themes (niche) or what is often called a mixed blog is a blog that is easier to work with, because we can write any theme that is considered worthy of writing, so mixed blogs are more suitable for news blogs. mixed blogs are accepted by Adsense ad providers, that is not true, because one of the blogs that I manage is a mixed blog, now it has been accepted by adsense.

For blog writers, only one theme (micro niche) is usually done by professional workers, for example a technician, teacher, doctor, programmer, and others. Even though there are bloggers who are not professionals who manage micro niche blogs, they usually take ideas and rewrite them from other people’s websites or blogs.

Whatever the theme of the web or blog that is managed, one day we will experience a deadlock in finding article material, the way from this problem, we can buy articles from someone who usually provides article writing services who understand SEO.

And here’s a cost-effective way to find writing material, you can apply some of the points below:

1.Our surroundings

Usually easier to get if the web / blog is basic news.

2.Watch TV News Shows

Here you can get written material ranging from viral news information, technology, sports, science, business, entertainment, and others, don’t forget to also write down the source of the news in each article material that has been quoted.

3.Magazines – Newspapers

 Here we get information, at least local news.

4.Media Online

 Country or online media from abroad. For retrieval of article material from foreign media, it is more suitable to be applied to web/blog destinations for domestic visitors. for the sake of content, it can also be used as a promotion about our country to all corners of the world.

5.Experiences of people around us

Stories of experiences around us, for example friends, co-workers, can be of benefit to be used as material.


That’s a frugal way to get writing material to overcome “blanks” when looking for ideas. The most important thing is that we as bloggers don’t harm each other by copying and pasting completely other people’s blog posts, which makes the rightful owner feel disapproved of his actions. Hopefully by finding writings I can avoid this action.****

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