satellite, spacecraft, space

Satellite Internet Networks Are Getting More Advanced and Here Are the Differences with Cellular Internet, Which One to Choose? Internet networks have become a daily necessity, both for work and for entertainment, and others. The development of the internet has advanced rapidly, with the presence of cellular internet networks and also satellite networks. To get to know and the differences between the two, let’s dissect the differences between satellite internet and cellular internet:

  1. Satellite Internet

Coverage: Satellite coverage is very wide, even to remote areas that are difficult to reach by cellular networks. Suitable for use on ships, airplanes, or rural areas.

Infrastructure: Satellite Internet does not require extensive cable infrastructure on land, because it uses satellites orbiting the Earth to transmit signals.

Speed: In general, internet using satellite is slower than cellular internet, especially for activities that require high speed such as streaming high-quality video or playing online games. However, with rapid technological advances, satellite technology continues to develop and its speed is increasing.

Availability: However, the drawback is that satellite internet is not available in all areas that have the same good satellite internet coverage, and the availability of services and prices can also vary.

Latency: For latency or delay between sending and receiving data, satellite internet tends to be higher than cellular internet, especially for satellites in high orbit.

  1. Cellular Internet

Coverage: Although its coverage continues to expand, it is still limited to areas that only have and are covered by cellular towers.
Infrastructure: Using a network of cellular towers spread across the land. Requires quite complex infrastructure.
Speed: Generally faster than satellite internet, especially in urban areas that have 4G or 5G networks.
Availability: Easier to access and available in many countries.
Latency: Latency tends to be lower than satellite internet, making it suitable for activities that require a quick response.
Brief Comparison Table

Satellite Internet Features Cellular Internet

• Coverage Very wide Limited to areas with cellular towers
• Satellite Infrastructure Cellular towers
• Speed ​​Slower Faster
• Availability Limited Wider
• Latency High Low

When Should You Choose Satellite Internet?

In remote areas: If you live in an area where cellular networks are not available.
For portable use: If you move around a lot and need an internet connection in various locations.
As a backup: If you want to have a backup internet connection when the cellular network is disrupted.

When Should You Choose Mobile Internet?

For everyday use: If you need a fast and stable internet connection for daily activities such as browsing, streaming, or playing games.
In urban areas: If you live in an area with good cellular network coverage.


The choice between satellite internet and mobile internet depends on the needs and geographical conditions of each individual. If you need a wide and flexible internet connection, satellite internet can be the right choice. However, if you prioritize speed and availability, mobile internet is a better choice.***

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