
Come on…, Learn from an Rarly Age about the Nipah virus, its Characteristics & how to Prevent it Nipah virus was first discovered in Malaysia in 1998, in a village called Sungai Nipah. This first outbreak resulted in 276 cases and 106 deaths. The Nipah virus then spread to Singapore, resulting in 11 cases and 6 deaths. The latest outbreak occurred in India in 2023, causing 10 cases and 5 deaths.

Fruit bats (Pteropodidae) are the natural reservoir of the Nipah virus. This virus can be transmitted to other animals, such as pigs, horses, goats and dogs, and then to humans. Transmission to humans can occur by direct contact with infected animals, by consumption of contaminated animal products or by contact with body fluids from an infected person.

Symptoms of Nipah virus infection in humans vary from mild to severe. Initial symptoms usually include fever, headache, muscle aches, cough and runny nose. In more severe cases, encephalitis (swelling of the brain), convulsions, coma and death can occur. The mortality rate from Nipah virus infection varies, but can be as high as 75%.

There is no specific treatment for Nipah virus infection. Treatment given is usually supportive, such as medication to reduce fever, prevent seizures and maintain the body’s fluid and electrolyte balance.

To prevent Nipah virus infection, it is important to avoid contact with infected animals, especially fruit bats and pigs. In addition, it is important to cook meat and other animal products thoroughly before consumption.

The following is a list of countries that have reported cases of Nipah virus:

9.Papua New Guinea
Nipah virus is a serious disease and can cause death. It is therefore important to know how to prevent transmission of the Nipah virus.

Below are some tips on how to prevent Nipah virus infection:

  • Avoid contact with fruit bats and other wildlife.
  • Do not eat fruit that has been eaten by fruit bats.
  • Cook meat and other animal products thoroughly before consumption.
  • Wash hands with soap and running water regularly, especially after contact with animals or animal products.
  • Avoid contact with people infected with Nipah virus.
    If you experience symptoms of Nipah virus infection, immediately contact your doctor or local health service.***


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