Honda and GS Yuasa Collaborate to Create an Electric Vehicle Battery

Multymeter.comCollaboration between two manufacturers and manufacturers between Honda Motor Co. Ltd. and GS Yuasa are working together toward the era of electrification.

Honda, as an automaker, and GS Yuasa, as a battery manufacturer, are collaborating to manufacture special batteries for electric vehicles that are currently beginning to be developed in some parts of the world. The two companies are said to have reached an agreement.

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The Honda and GS Yuasa projects will develop a high-capacity, high-performance lithium-ion battery. The two will enter into a joint venture by the end of 2023.

The two companies said they had reached an agreement to work on joint research and development of lithium-ion batteries.

In addition, battery production methods will be highly competitive in the global market, as well as the establishment of a supply chain for key raw materials and battery production systems.

Toshihiro Mibe, director, president and executive representative of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. said, “Honda is striving to achieve carbon neutrality for all of the company’s products and activities involving Honda by 2050.

“Honda and GS Yuasa have worked together on lithium-ion batteries for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and this new collaboration will further accelerate Honda’s performance. The electrification strategy aims to achieve our goal of carbon neutrality,” said Mibe, in his official statement. .

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Osamu Murao, president and representative director of GS Yuasa International Ltd., said, “GS Yuasa has been facing the challenge of creating energy technology while gathering diverse knowledge and experience related to batteries.

“Through this new collaboration with Honda, we will contribute to the further spread of electric vehicles, provide customers around the world with greater convenience and peace of mind, and strive to create new value to achieve carbon neutrality,” Murao said. ***

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