The Reason for the Photo Being Rejected by Microstock Products: For those of you who have registered as a Microstock Contributor, reading this article is quite important, before you upload your photos on Shutterstock or on Dreamstime. Anyway, I mention Shutterstock and Dreamstime, because I have also become a Contributor.

 The reason I signed up for both, is because if my photo is rejected on Shutterstock, I can upload it to Dreamstime, and vice versa.

The photo above is one of the EDITORIAL Category Photos that passed at Dreamstime, but didn’t pass when uploaded on Shutterstock. This is the reason I signed up for both.

For those of you who don’t have a DSLR camera or the like, you can use your cellphone camera with the condition that the camera capacity is at least 4 Mp (Mega pixels).

 1.Title, Description, Tags, and Categories Don’t Explain Something.

 If the title, description, tags, and categories of your uploaded photos cannot be clearly communicated to potential buyers/reviewers, it is possible that your photo in the form of an editorial photo will be immediately rejected by a Shutterstock reviewer at the first opportunity with the reason being the words “Unacceptable Editorial Caption —  caption is either missing factual who, what, and where information“.  This means that your photo does not clearly explain what the photo is about, what/who is in the photo, when and where the photo was taken and on what occasion.

 2.Photo Not Focused

The message is: “Focus — the main subject of this image is not in focus“.  This means that your photo is not in focus on the main subject of the photo.  This problem only requires experience on how to take pictures and how to set the camera.

The photo above is an example of taking focus in the eye area of ​​a cat, which was successfully received at Dreamstime.

3 Photo Blur

The effect of taking photos is the movement of your hands, when holding the camera, use a tripod for perfect results.

4.Photo Noise

When the photo is zoomed in, it will look like droplets of water. The cause is insufficient lighting so the camera sensor does not work optimally.

5. The content is not licensed right

This applies to Building Photos created by an Architect or the owner of the building. To overcome this, also include the realess when Submit Photo.

6.Photo Contains Trademarks

Your photo shows a Brand or Trademark, in the form of a logo, motto, and Trademark. This photo is automatically rejected with the message “Visible Trademark — Image contains visible brand names and logos”.

7.Property Realese And Realese Model

This refusal is because the photo clearly shows people and buildings. Photos can be accepted if the model and the Realese building are also included.

To make Realese Models and Realese Buildings, you can open the form in the realese column in every Microstock.

That\’s a picture of all rejections at Microstock. Even though every Microstock has a different message content, the point is still the same as the description above.

Thank you for visiting, hopefully it can be useful for us who are both studying in the field of Photography and Microstock.***

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